Saturday, October 30, 2010

Its beautiful weather.

This is what I call vibrant weather. Its crisp, its clean, the view of downtown vegas is clear more often than not. Its like everything has a shimmer and is freshly washed, even though we get so little rain (sad face here).
This weather also inspires more quilting--I'm working at it as often as I can to the detriment of many other things, but at least I'm feeling creative!
Here are a few of the little quilts I have done really recently. Im also working on a bigger quilt from the pattern brrr park by moda, I think. The sizes they have on the pattern for the half square triangles is a strange size so I'm going to increase the size a little so its standard 2"finished. It requires a little bit of change all throughout the quilt, but I have drafted blocks before so I'm assuming I can do this right. We will see when its finished!


  1. I totally dig that autumn colored quilt. Its de bayst!

  2. you have been really busy. Looks great.
