Thursday, February 28, 2013

Its a new quarter, time to blog again!

Well, lots has happened since the last blog.  I finished the quilts I showed last time, made a few others, my son, his wife and consequently 2 of my grandkids moved away (that was devastating, but I'm better now) got a lot of snow, worked at the office, our daughter Hillary went to Italy for 3 weeks to visit the people she met while serving on her mission, went down to las vegas several times, got some electricity and outlets and lights in my sewing cave/basement, had company which you will see pics of later, and thats all I can remember for now.  I dont have very good pictures of the quilts I have made recently but I will post what I do have-

here is the christmas one finished.  I even got some cute little labels for all my quilts since Ive made about 275 and probably only 1 or 2 have labels.  But then I got to thinking, hey, every quilt im making is not going to be just for a grandchild....duh... but oh well, I am a grandma, so that's that. The middle picture is the back of the quilt, since i had several triangles left over, I worked it in to a hexi and added some big chunks of christmas fabric.  My quilter lady quilted lovely little trees into the empty green triangles.
I also whipped up a quilt from blocks I made back about 20 years ago, a bow tie swap.

I made this quilt for Donovan, I felt he needed another quilt since I hardly get to see him...but hubby and 2 daughters and I are going to see him and his parents (yes, they still count but the babies are the most important hahahaha) in a couple of weeks.  The black and yellow is the back of the quilt.

I made a quilt for a girl who is serving a mission for our church and she put out a plea on her facebook one night, saying, "I wish someone would just make me a quilt to take on my mission!" so I took that as a challenge, and said I would, and so I did.  The colors are her favorites and i had such a hard time with the coral- I NEVER use coral in a quilt, so I had to have my daughter Miriam (who also loves coral like Laura does) help me figure out what to use.  I just have color amnesia when it comes to coral. All I can think of is pink.  I whipped this baby up quick like in a hurry because I only had about 3 weeks from start to finish to get it to her before she left.

We had some company from hubby's mom and sister- It was his mom's birthday so she combined a birthday trip with coming up to see her newest great grandchild from our niece, hubby's sister's daughter.  I felt inspired to whip up a cute lil quilt for her baby Emily too...they like pink and brown so this is  what they got from me:
My brother also visited for a little r&r over pres day weekend.  He and hubby met up with my brother in law and his friends to go snow mobiling up around Heber, about an hour and a half from our home.
It was Valentine's day this month of course, so I put out my valentine basket quilt:

The deer made an up close and personal visit to my back door-come to find out they love bird seed more than birds do:

Our daughter in law Megan had a concert:
you can barely see her, she is the 4th from the left-she has bangs and is playing the clarinet. It was a nice concert and not too long like some get!

But the funnest thing I did during February was go to the quilt retreat in Hobble Canyon! I will share more on that tomorrow or this weekend. It was just so darn fun that Im still thinking about it and thats saying something for me!
I also had my daughter Miriam take some pictures of some of my existing quilts in kind of an arty fashion-we had a ton of snow lately so we took some quilts out to the park and photographed them.  They need some photo shopping so that we can remove things like big old school buses and construction out of the background, but I will put those up sometime soon too.
Ok, I will blog again this weekend about the retreat, and show some pictures of my old quilts, and then some of the grandbabies too, since they are works of art as well!


  1. I can't decide which quilt I love the most! I think I just love them all!! Can't wait to see pictures from your retreat, it sounded like a lovely time :)

  2. Nice work! That was so kind to make a quilt for the gal going on a mission. :) And I know! I can't keep Hobble Creek off my mind. That was truly wonderful, blizzard-driving over the mountains and all!

  3. Hey I saw your sea glass quilt on Amy's blog. Did you use a pattern or just make it up as you went along? It's gorgeous!

    1. Unknown-I had a pattern- i will find it for you-its called sweet garden by carolina patchworks-its a good pattern, easy to follow :-)
