Friday, November 30, 2012

I'm slowly making progress

I've been trying to make myself work on my quilts.  I want to I just don't want to, you know what I mean? I love looking at pictures of quilts, I save pictures of ones I plan on making, I read blogs every night, but I just never get down to the sewing room and work. So last night after looking at some blogs, I decided (at 11:15 pm) that I had to do something.  So I went downstairs and worked on this-

I had several of the triangles already finished, probably about 10, and I worked on it for about an hour.  It is surprising how quickly they go together, probably about 6 minutes from start to finish for each 9 patch triangle.  that includes pressing! I plan on making 4 rows of diamonds, that's really 8 rows.  I think I like the green, i tried white but it was so blah.  I don't want another red Christmas quilt, so its gonna be this green... 
Lots has gone on since my last post, but nothing related to quilting other than this-I had my argyle quilt quilted and here are a few pictures of that quilt-

i decided this quilt should be called caramel argyle.  hahahaha. I never name my quilts, but it really reminded me of caramel.  Im not that in love with it, but I got some experience sewing diamonds with bias edges.  
Thats about it for me, except I need to share a picture or two of the babies:

Cute little Donovan ready to get his chow on (hes so handsome!), and Spencer snuggling up to baby Genevieve like a sweet big brother who loves his beauty baby sister (that translates to "hey a life size movable toy! I think I will body slam it!"). But its really cute to see him give her a hug, even if it turns into a squeeze or a body slam.And he is such a little dear...who couldn't love these precious faces!


  1. I love the quilts! And the babies are all so cute :)

  2. HA! "hey a life size movable toy! I think I will body slam it" good one! Good for you for getting down to the quilt room. I can relate to things that you don't really want to do, but once you buckle down and do them, it's not such a big deal.

  3. Hi, Suzanne! Wow - your Caramel Argyle is an absolutely gorgeous "low-volume" quilt. Maybe not your most favorite, but really lovely for a change of pace! Your little ones are adorable. :D
