Saturday, September 10, 2011

Remember when?

Quite some time ago I started this blog and there were some pictures of the quilts I was working on at that time.  Well, I finally decided to get back to the one using the Oz fabric from Moda.  I just lost interest in it for a while but I finally took a break from other quilts and started working on my  ufo's.  I also worked on a quilt for my sister Janelle's son, Jay.  She picked to fabric out about 5 years ago, when she had just finished her first round of chemotherapy for breast cancer.  She recently completed another round of intense chemo which has left her very frail, but she is such a determined woman, she has been here 6years and almost 3 months from the day they diagnosed her stage 4 breast cancer, and told her she may have 6 months. My older sister Marianne and my brother Scott recently visited her in Houston after a "scare".  While there, I told Marianne I was going to sneak the fabric for his quilt home to my house, and put it together for her since she is not really able to sew anymore.  Well she found out before we left, but its ok-I got the top together and its being quilted now even as I type! So I have a couple of pictures so everyone knows I have not been just a total slacker about my quilting.  My camera was MIA when I wanted to take the pics but I just used my phone for the pictures even though it is pretty lame, here they are.  I hope to get more done here in the next few months.   
                                                      This is a mini I worked on during the last few weeks-sorry its sideways...
                                                      I'm in the monthly mini club from the Temecula quilt shop.
Here is the quilt for my nephew Jay. 

Heather's quilt
                          Oh I forgot to tell everyone, I am a leader of the 14-15 year old girls in my church, and I got this bright idea last march to teach them to make a quilt.  We only get to meet together one hour a week and we have lots of things to do, but finally now that its September, we have a couple of the girls ready to sew blocks together!

Lauren's quilt 

                  These 2 pictures are of the quilt from the Oz fabric by Moda
                     Last few pictures of Jay's quilt-its actually 4 x 5 blocks, and a close up.  Hope he likes it!
Now I need to start making a Christmas quilt, and I think I better get started on some gifts!

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