Monday, April 11, 2011


Well, I love these. I have always planned on making them and I decided its about time. I pulled out one of the 432 projects i have planned (not too exaggerated) and it was actually a totally different thing than what I ended up working I have 433! Everywhere I turn I see a new project to do...but back to the real subject...I had pulled out the fabric I collected for a quilt for my brother Donald and my sister in law Debbie. I called her to make sure she still wanted that, and she said since it was getting to be warmer and spring time, she wanted a bright colors quilt. I figured I had enough fabric in my stash (see earliest blog about my sewing room renovation) to make a bright quilt, and so that's when it struck me, hey I got this computer program for Christmas, I took a class for it, so I'm going to use it by golly! So I pulled a bunch of brights, tried to stay away from the juvenile looking prints because this is after all, for a grown up person, and started cutting out the wedges and here is what I have!

I'm going to applique them on to black since that is what Debbie wants, but I think I will cut some out for myself and make one for me too! I'll post more pics when I get it all together-thanks you 15 people who follow me!
Also, sorry the picture quality is so bad...Ill try to do better :-)