Monday, January 24, 2011

Scotty makes a quilt!

Scotty is a dad. He wants to make his first quilt for Christmas for a gift for his daughter in law. He goes with his wife and sister to the quilt store to pick out fabric. See the pretty fabric! Scotty chose wisely!
Scotty comes home and his sister helps him to cut out the fabric. She shows him how to cut neatly. Be careful Scotty! You do not want to cut your little fingers!
Scotty cuts all the fabric. His wife Lynn helps him put the colors together to look pretty. Scotty is a little bit obsessive/compulsive, so everything has to be neat and in order. Silly Scotty!
Scotty sews the fabrics together and presses the seams. Be careful to not burn your fingers! Making a quilt sure seems dangerous, doesn't it? There are lots of pieces to sew together but he works late in the night to get his first quilt done. He is a busy dad! Lynn takes pictures so he can remember how much work he does.
Scotty gets all the little pieces of fabric sewn together and then he and his sister and his wife take the quilt to a lady named Chris who puts it on a big machine and sews all the little designs in the quilt. She does a great job. See Scotty! He is proud of his hard work and determination. He finished his quilt for his daughter in law and gave it to her for a present. Isn't she a lucky daughter in law to be married to Scotty's son? Good work, Scotty!


  1. Oh and i guess i forgot to mention that I am his sister...

  2. Hey! I like it! Nice work, Uncle Scott. And thanks mom for sharing it and helping him. As a kid I remember Uncle Scott being OCD about arranging the plastic utensils perfectly and fanning out the paper napkins before the 10 kids pounced on dinner when we lived on the base. Fun memories...

  3. Wow! I am so inspired!! Totally Awesome, Scotty!!! Hey, have you thought of that poor lady who married to your spoiled little brother? I think she could use a quilt, too ^_^
    Suzanne, once again, your talent rendered me speechless!!

  4. I love that a few Ashman men have made quilts! You should put up a pic of the one Vince made!

  5. Well one Ashman and one Scales
