Monday, October 4, 2010

I just have to work on a quilt that is autumn-y in color! So I put aside the little Oz quilt for a few days (or so) and decided to work on a little pineapple that I saw at last year's Houston International Quilt show, which I have been to twice and I love every second of it! I look at the displays for about 2 hours and then I spend 2 days in the vendors! Its like having 1400 quilt shops in one big building! Im giggling just thinking about it! hahahaha!! but I is the little pineapple quilt i decided to work on-i did modify it a bit-the one at the show only had 9 blocks and hey, Im one of those people who always thinks bigger is better except in weight gain, so I decided to make mine 25 blocks, and Im going to add a border if i can find one I like well enough. I am going to show from start to where I have gotten so far..problem is each block has 45 pieces and takes about 45 minutes to do right, 1 hour if I accidentally fold over a piece! so here they are: the pattern-its 6 inch finished, then there are the fabrics, all halloween-ish, and then I cut them into 1 1/2" x3" strips so that I could work with them more easily. Im paper piecing so the next picture shows a block in progress, then finished before trimming, then a completed trimmed block, and then 7 finished blocks, but I have 13 done--so you can guess how many hours I have in this already:-) But I just love it!
Now let me see if I can get the others in the right order...
Ok there they all are---I guess I should learn how to do this right but Im just amazed I got the images all on here! Also, I will post the pictures of the two quilts that I just finished...Oh and the quilt for Dr. Hughes' baby born last week! Next time...


  1. Oh Suzanne!!! Those blocks are amazing!! That is one thing I would love to do is paper piece a whole quilt top!! Wow!! What a undertaking!! Can't wait to follow along in the progress.

  2. WOW! that's all I can say. These blocks are beautiful and so intricate. I like that you are blogging about this stuff that I would otherwise miss out on :)
